Female Bullies

There are many different types of bullies including female bullies. The classic type of bullying includes the mean boy on the playground, but now it is clear female bullying is just as prominent and severe as bullying with males. Female bullies can sometimes even be worse.

With cases of bullying on the rise, it is becoming more apparent than ever that female bullying is just as common as bullying with males. It is a common misconception that boys and teen males are the most dominant types of bullies. In fact, girls can be just as ruthless especially when it comes to the type of bullying that is not as physical. Types of bullying like cyberbullying are often spearheaded by teen girls placing an attack on their peers verbally. However, harsh words, lies and rumors can be just as devastating to a child or teen as being physically attacked.  These types of female bullying may include:

Physical bullying and hazing:

In recent news headlines, there have been cases of female bullying where teen girls will physically gang up on one another and attack. This type of behavior has been happening for decades and likely even before that. However, now that bullying is becoming more and more recognized, cases of female bullies have increased. Physical bullying can also include more than just hitting, punching, kicking or otherwise injuring another person. It can also include stealing from another person or damaging their personal property. Types of hazing by forcing others to do something embarrassing or harmful to themselves or others is also another type of physical bullying. While males typically take the wrap for such behaviors, females can also have just as a devastating impact on their peers.

Cyberbullying and verbal bullying:

Females bullies are most typically associated with these types behaviors. Verbal bullying is also a very common type of bullying that almost everyone is guilty of at some point in time or another. Simple name calling may not be considered a big deal, but it is still a type of bullying. Verbal bullying, whether it is said face-to-face, behind someone’s back or over the Internet, can still be devastating to those who are targeted.

Indirect bullies and social alienation:

Although there are no hard statistics to support the number of female bullies versus male bullies, socially speaking, there are certain types of bullying females have a tendency to enact more so than males. One of these types of bullying is indirect bullying. This takes place when a person or group of people spread rumors and stories about a person behind their back. These can be false and malicious attacks. Indirect bullying accounts for about 18 percent of all cases of bullying. Cyberbullying also comes into play because teens may spread lies or stories about another individual online anonymously. It is still considered bullying. Social alienation is also another type of bullying that females can be responsible for committing. A group of girls may decide to deliberately shun another girl from the group because they are mad at her or find it funny to hurt another person simply because they are different.

Female bullies can be just as common as male bullies although it may take on a different form. Parents should not assume that just because their child is female that they won’t have a tendency to become a bully. Be on the lookout that your child is behaving rude and malicious manner by watching how they interact with others. If they show signs of resentment or engage in a power struggle, they might have issues with bullying. Also as a parent, be sure to talk to your child about to ensure they know what bullying is so they don’t abuse others. Putting a stop to bullying behaviors is the only way to cut down on the amount of children, teens and adults traumatized by bullying behaviors. Talking to  your children is the best way to find out if they are having issues with bullies at school, after school or online. Keeping this line of communication open is important because it helps your child to know they can come to for help.

Some of the best ways to prevent bullying of any kind is to help build your child’s self-esteem. Children and teens with higher self-esteem and more friends are less likely to become the victims of bullying. Unfortunately there are still many cases of bullycide among teens and children. Bullycide occurs when teens or children commit suicide as a result of bullying attacks. It is up to parents, teachers and other authority figures to put a stop to bullying before it begins so these unfortunate and tragic cases no longer occur.

Sources: library.thinkquest.org, thedailymail.net