Female Bullies

There are many different types of bullying including female bullying. The classic type of bullying includes the mean boy on the playground, but now it is clear female bullying is just as prominent and severe as bullying with males. Female bullying can sometimes even be worse.

Parents That Bully Children and Others

Bullying parents are often overbearing and controlling, these parents may become involved in physical or mental bullying, or even cyber bullying. This article helps define what a bully is, emotional and mental bullying, cyber bullying, and tips on dealing with bullying parents.

Teenage Bullying

This article helps define bullying, offers statistics on teenage bullying, discusses the effects of teenage bullying, and offers tips on preventing or reducing bullying amongst teens. Keep reading to learn the many different ways teenagers are bullying one another.

Bullying Teachers

Bullying often brings to mind school bullying between children, but bullying can involve adults, even bullying teachers. Teachers can sometimes be the bully, or be the victim of students who bully teachers. Keep reading for more information on bullying teachers.

Adult Bullying

You may not hear a lot about adult bullying, but it is a problem. Read this article to learn more about different types of adult bullies and get some ideas on how to deal with an adult bully. Adult bullying is a serious problem and may require legal action.

Child Bullying

Child bullying has existed in neighborhoods and schools for centuries. This article contains statistics on child bullying, signs your child may be being bullied, signs your child may be a bully, and tips on how to combat and prevent child bullying.