How to Handle Bullies

There are a few different ways you can teach your child how to handle bullies. If your child is a victim of bulling in school, at home or cyberbulling, it can be a tough time for them. That is why it is important to teach them how to handle bullies as soon as possible.

There are different types of bullying that children, teens and adults sometimes face throughout the course of their lives. Unfortunately bullying is becoming more and more of an issues as the types of bullying expand to new areas. More and more unlikely suspects are also becoming the bully themselves. For years, many thought bullies were just the classic case of the mean boy out on the playground that would push you down and steal your lunch money. However, times have changes and bullies are coming out of the wood work and are becoming meaner than ever. Many cases of suicide due to bullying, otherwise known as bullycide, are also becoming more and more rampant especially among teens and children who regularly face issues with bullying peers and adults. This is why it is more important than ever to learn how to handle bullies by squashing their attempt at persecuting kids and teens before the situation starts or gets out of control.

Types of bullying:

  • Emotional bullying occurs when rumors are started about someone or a group of individuals. It also happens when malicious or defamatory statements are made about a person or group with the intent to hurt the feelings and emotional stability of the target. Emotional bullying can occur in various forms including face-to-face, behind one’s back or anonymously via the Internet and social networking sites.
  • Physical bullying is the most traditional form of bullying and occurs when the victim is injured physically with pushing, shoving, punching, kicking, burning, etc. It also occurs when the bully steals the victim’s personal belongings, destroys personal belongings, clothes, etc.
  • Cyberbullying can occur in the form of emotional bullying, but takes place online via email, social networking sites, blogs and more. Often times cyberbullying is done anonymously and may include the victim becoming ganged up on in a series of bashing and hurtful statements. Many of these rumors and offenses are lies or extensions of the truth but are targeted at the victim because of jealously or the intent to hurt.

Who is bullying?

There are a few different types of bullies that range from the mean kid on the block to the vindicative teen girl behind the computer screen. Bullies also range in the form of groups as well as adults like parents, teachers, coaches and other authority figures.

How to handle bullies:

While taking preventative measures as parents and teachers to work with children and teens who are likely candidates for becoming a bully, is the best option, it is also not always possible. However, if you are a parent or a teacher with a child or student who exhibits behavior problems like anger management issues, troubles in school, difficulty in keeping friends, exhibiting rude and disrespectful behavior and many other similar issues, it is important for you to seek emotional support through counseling for your child. Or if you are a teacher, it is important to recommend the student see the guidance counselor of have the child’s parents take him/her to a counselor for help. In many cases with bullies, the child might have a difficult family or home life and might see domestic violence, emotional abuse and other forms of abuse on a regular basis. They might even be abused or bullied at home by a family member. Children like these need help as soon as possible before they perpetuate the violent cycle by becoming a bully themselves.

If your child is exhibiting signs and symptoms of being the victim of already existing cases of bullying, there are a few tips and ways to teach them how to handle bullies. One of these ways is to take the matter straight to the source of the bully’s parents or to the teacher or authority figures at the school if the bullying is taking place while at school. There is a misconception that if the child reports the incident to a teacher or their parent, they will be at risk for retaliation and even further bullying. However, this is typically not the case. The risk is worth it when it comes to protecting your child against bullying. Another way to teach your child how to handle bullies is to encourage them to travel in packs and maintain a solid group of friends. Having friends and a support group will make your child less likely to be the recipient of bullying attacks. Children who play alone or find themselves with few friends are often the primary targets for bullies.  Lastly, encouraging and building your child or teen’s self esteem in another one of the best ways how to handle bullies. Children and teens with higher self esteem are also not at such a high risk of bullying attacks. If necessary get your child counseling or emotional support to help them build self esteem and to learn how to mentally and emotionally handle bullies.